Henry and I had invited Mary Hamman to have lunch with us at Twenty One. She was the Modern Living editor of LIFE magazine when it was publishing weekly. We felt an idea of mine might be worthy of national attention, and where better to start than with LIFE.

I'd created a program I called PACIFICA in which the living style of the Pacific Ocean basin was contrasted with our traditional European ties. This was reflected in architecture, interior furnishings and apparel.

With lunch over and coffee being served, Mary turned to me and asked "It's been a delicious lunch, but what is it your wanted to see me about?"

I answered, "Oh, I have an idea; but, on reflection, I don't think it's really worthy of your consideration." Henry nodded in agreement.

Mary, in a bit of a huff, said, "Goddamit, that's for me to decide. Come on, tell me what you have in mind."

So, I told her about PACIFICA with embellishments from Henry. LIFE subsequently ran five related stories on my design activities, HOUSE & GARDEN gave me the cover and thirty six pages. This was just the start of extensive publicity both here and abroad.